Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop — Functions for controlling drag and drop handling


#include <gdk/gdk.h>

GdkAtom             gdk_drag_get_selection              (GdkDragContext *context);
void                gdk_drag_abort                      (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         guint32 time_);
void                gdk_drop_reply                      (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         gboolean ok,
                                                         guint32 time_);
GdkDragContext *    gdk_drag_context_new                (void);
void                gdk_drag_drop                       (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         guint32 time_);
void                gdk_drag_find_window                (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
void                gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
void                gdk_drag_context_ref                (GdkDragContext *context);
GdkDragContext *    gdk_drag_begin                      (GdkWindow *window,
                                                         GList *targets);
gboolean            gdk_drag_motion                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkDragAction suggested_action,
                                                         GdkDragAction possible_actions,
                                                         guint32 time_);
void                gdk_drop_finish                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         gboolean success,
                                                         guint32 time_);
GdkNativeWindow     gdk_drag_get_protocol               (GdkNativeWindow xid,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
GdkNativeWindow     gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display   (GdkDisplay *display,
                                                         GdkNativeWindow xid,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
enum                GdkDragProtocol;
void                gdk_drag_context_unref              (GdkDragContext *context);
struct              GdkDragContext;
enum                GdkDragAction;
void                gdk_drag_status                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkDragAction action,
                                                         guint32 time_);
gboolean            gdk_drag_drop_succeeded             (GdkDragContext *context);


These functions provide a low level interface for drag and drop. The X backend of GDK supports both the Xdnd and Motif drag and drop protocols transparently, the Win32 backend supports the WM_DROPFILES protocol.

GTK+ provides a higher level abstraction based on top of these functions, and so they are not normally needed in GTK+ applications. See the Drag and Drop section of the GTK+ documentation for more information.


gdk_drag_get_selection ()

GdkAtom             gdk_drag_get_selection              (GdkDragContext *context);

Returns the selection atom for the current source window.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

Returns :

the selection atom.

gdk_drag_abort ()

void                gdk_drag_abort                      (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Aborts a drag without dropping.

This function is called by the drag source.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

gdk_drop_reply ()

void                gdk_drop_reply                      (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         gboolean ok,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Accepts or rejects a drop.

This function is called by the drag destination in response to a drop initiated by the drag source.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

ok :

TRUE if the drop is accepted.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

gdk_drag_context_new ()

GdkDragContext *    gdk_drag_context_new                (void);

Creates a new GdkDragContext.

Returns :

the newly created GdkDragContext.

gdk_drag_drop ()

void                gdk_drag_drop                       (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Drops on the current destination.

This function is called by the drag source.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

gdk_drag_find_window ()

void                gdk_drag_find_window                (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

Finds the destination window and DND protocol to use at the given pointer position.

This function is called by the drag source to obtain the dest_window and protocol parameters for gdk_drag_motion().

context :

a GdkDragContext.

drag_window :

a window which may be at the pointer position, but should be ignored, since it is put up by the drag source as an icon.

x_root :

the x position of the pointer in root coordinates.

y_root :

the y position of the pointer in root coordinates.

dest_window :

location to store the destination window in.

protocol :

location to store the DND protocol in.

gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen ()

void                gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

Finds the destination window and DND protocol to use at the given pointer position.

This function is called by the drag source to obtain the dest_window and protocol parameters for gdk_drag_motion().

context :

a GdkDragContext

drag_window :

a window which may be at the pointer position, but should be ignored, since it is put up by the drag source as an icon.

screen :

the screen where the destination window is sought.

x_root :

the x position of the pointer in root coordinates.

y_root :

the y position of the pointer in root coordinates.

dest_window :

location to store the destination window in.

protocol :

location to store the DND protocol in.

Since 2.2

gdk_drag_context_ref ()

void                gdk_drag_context_ref                (GdkDragContext *context);


gdk_drag_context_ref is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Deprecated function; use g_object_ref() instead.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

gdk_drag_begin ()

GdkDragContext *    gdk_drag_begin                      (GdkWindow *window,
                                                         GList *targets);

Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it.

This function is called by the drag source.

window :

the source window for this drag.

targets :

the list of offered targets.

Returns :

a newly created GdkDragContext.

gdk_drag_motion ()

gboolean            gdk_drag_motion                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkWindow *dest_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gint x_root,
                                                         gint y_root,
                                                         GdkDragAction suggested_action,
                                                         GdkDragAction possible_actions,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Updates the drag context when the pointer moves or the set of actions changes.

This function is called by the drag source.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

dest_window :

the new destination window, obtained by gdk_drag_find_window().

protocol :

the DND protocol in use, obtained by gdk_drag_find_window().

x_root :

the x position of the pointer in root coordinates.

y_root :

the y position of the pointer in root coordinates.

suggested_action :

the suggested action.

possible_actions :

the possible actions.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

Returns :


gdk_drop_finish ()

void                gdk_drop_finish                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         gboolean success,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Ends the drag operation after a drop.

This function is called by the drag destination.

context :

a GtkDragContext.

success :

TRUE if the data was successfully received.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

gdk_drag_get_protocol ()

GdkNativeWindow     gdk_drag_get_protocol               (GdkNativeWindow xid,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

Finds out the DND protocol supported by a window.

xid :

the windowing system id of the destination window.

protocol :

location where the supported DND protocol is returned.

Returns :

the windowing system specific id for the window where the drop should happen. This may be xid or the id of a proxy window, or zero if xid doesn't support Drag and Drop.

gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display ()

GdkNativeWindow     gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display   (GdkDisplay *display,
                                                         GdkNativeWindow xid,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

Finds out the DND protocol supported by a window.

display :

the GdkDisplay where the destination window resides

xid :

the windowing system id of the destination window.

protocol :

location where the supported DND protocol is returned.

Returns :

the windowing system id of the window where the drop should happen. This may be xid or the id of a proxy window, or zero if xid doesn't support Drag and Drop.

Since 2.2

enum GdkDragProtocol

typedef enum {
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWIN,	  /* A root window with nobody claiming
				   * drags */
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_NONE,		  /* Not a valid drag window */
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_OLE2,		  /* The complex OLE2 dnd (not implemented) */
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_LOCAL            /* Intra-app */
} GdkDragProtocol;

Used in GdkDragContext to indicate the protocol according to which DND is done.


The Motif DND protocol.


The Xdnd protocol.


An extension to the Xdnd protocol for unclaimed root window drops.


no protocol.


The simple WM_DROPFILES protocol.


The complex OLE2 DND protocol (not implemented).


Intra-application DND.

gdk_drag_context_unref ()

void                gdk_drag_context_unref              (GdkDragContext *context);


gdk_drag_context_unref is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Deprecated function; use g_object_unref() instead.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

struct GdkDragContext

struct GdkDragContext {
  GObject parent_instance;

  GdkDragProtocol protocol;
  gboolean is_source;
  GdkWindow *source_window;
  GdkWindow *dest_window;

  GList *targets;
  GdkDragAction actions;
  GdkDragAction suggested_action;
  GdkDragAction action; 

  guint32 start_time;

A GdkDragContext holds information about a drag in progress. It is used on both source and destination sides.

GObject parent_instance;

the parent instance

GdkDragProtocol protocol;

the DND protocol which governs this drag.

gboolean is_source;

TRUE if the context is used on the source side.

GdkWindow *source_window;

the source of this drag.

GdkWindow *dest_window;

the destination window of this drag.

GList *targets;

a list of targets offered by the source.

GdkDragAction actions;

a bitmask of actions proposed by the source when suggested_action is GDK_ACTION_ASK.

GdkDragAction suggested_action;

the action suggested by the source.

GdkDragAction action;

the action chosen by the destination.

guint32 start_time;

a timestamp recording the start time of this drag.

enum GdkDragAction

typedef enum {
  GDK_ACTION_COPY    = 1 << 1,
  GDK_ACTION_MOVE    = 1 << 2,
  GDK_ACTION_LINK    = 1 << 3,
  GDK_ACTION_ASK     = 1 << 5
} GdkDragAction;

Used in GdkDragContext to indicate what the destination should do with the dropped data.


Means nothing, and should not be used.


Copy the data.


Move the data, i.e. first copy it, then delete it from the source using the DELETE target of the X selection protocol.


Add a link to the data. Note that this is only useful if source and destination agree on what it means.


Special action which tells the source that the destination will do something that the source doesn't understand.


Ask the user what to do with the data.

gdk_drag_status ()

void                gdk_drag_status                     (GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkDragAction action,
                                                         guint32 time_);

Selects one of the actions offered by the drag source.

This function is called by the drag destination in response to gdk_drag_motion() called by the drag source.

context :

a GdkDragContext.

action :

the selected action which will be taken when a drop happens, or 0 to indicate that a drop will not be accepted.

time_ :

the timestamp for this operation.

gdk_drag_drop_succeeded ()

gboolean            gdk_drag_drop_succeeded             (GdkDragContext *context);

Returns whether the dropped data has been successfully transferred. This function is intended to be used while handling a GDK_DROP_FINISHED event, its return value is meaningless at other times.

context :

a GdkDragContext

Returns :

TRUE if the drop was successful.

Since 2.6